to contain, carry, and hold | Selection by Gordon Hall

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  • Bruce Connor : Brass Handles        Will Brown        Books / Catalogs        $45.00
  • We make the image in real time: a viewing log        Rhea Anastas        Books / Artists’ Books        $12.00
  • Pestilence Comics        Jack Waters        Books / Artists’ Books        $25.00
  • Casein [Second edition]        David Stairs        Books / Artists’ Books        $15.00
  • Beige Pursuit        Sara Magenheimer        Books / Artists’ Books        $16.00
  • Martha’s Quarterly        Tammy Nguyen, Aerica Shimizu Banks, Joseph Siry and Tess Elliot        Books / Artists’ Books        $20.00
  • Fred Sandback : 16 Variationen von 2 Diagonalen Linien        Fred Sandback        Books / Artists’ Books        $36.00
  • Black Art Notes        Tom Lloyd        Books / Artists’ Writings        $16.00
  • Moving and Being Moved        Yvonne Rainer        Books / Monographs        $44.00
  • Adrian Piper: A Reader        Adrian Piper, Cornelia Butler and David Platzker        Books / Artists’ Writings        $45.00
  • Love, Icebox: Letters from John Cage to Merce Cunningham        John Cage and Laura Kuhn        Books / Artists’ Writings        $24.00
  • Charles Atlas        Raphael Gygax        Books / Monographs        $45.00
  • Oceans of Love : The Uncontainable Gregory Battcock        Joseph Grigely        Books / Monographs        $28.00
  • Camino Road        Renée Green        Books / Artists’ Writings        $16.00
  • Sash, 2021        Gordon Hall        PM Fundraising Editions / Signed        $150.00
  • Queer Zines, Vol. 1        AA Bronson and Philip Aarons        Books / Zines        $25.00
  • The Number of Inches Between Them        Gordon Hall        Books / Artists’ Books        $20.00
  • OVER-BELIEFS Collected Writing 2011-2018        Gordon Hall        Books / Artists’ Writings        $15.00
  • Circling the Square, Words from End of Day        Gordon Hall                OUT OF STOCK
  • Shifter        Sreshta Rit Premnath and Avram Alpert        Periodicals        $20.00

On the occasion of Upstate Art Weekend 2021, artist Gordon Hall has both produced a new limited edition sculptural artwork and curated a selection of artists’ books. This table—showcasing some of the many books selected for the in-person presentation—explores themes of performance, artists’ writings, queerness, and experimental documentation.

The full list of publications can be browsed here:

More about the fundraising edition below:
“Sash” is a sixty inch long and two inch wide double-sided screen print draped over a wall-mounted peg. Much of Hall’s work is invested in everyday objects that contain, carry, and hold, which often emerges as sculptures that carry multiple readings. “Sash” is a portrait of a hanging bathrobe sash, abstracted into a hand-drawn gradient that is both drawing and sculpture. This edition is inspired by work from Hall’s recent exhibition END OF DAY at Hesse Flatow, New York. The purchase of this editioned work includes installation instructions.

Learn more and purchase here:

Gordon Hall is an artist based in New York who makes sculptures and performances. Hall has had solo presentations at the MIT List Visual Arts Center, The Portland Institute for Contemporary Art, The Renaissance Society, EMPAC, and Temple Contemporary, and has been in group exhibitions at The Whitney Museum of American Art, The Brooklyn Museum, The Hessel Museum, Art in General, White Columns, Socrates Sculpture Park, among many other venues. Hall’s writing and interviews have been published widely including in Art Journal, Artforum, Art in America, and Bomb, as well as in Walker Art Center’s Artist Op-Ed Series, What About Power? Inquiries Into Contemporary Sculpture (published by SculptureCenter), Documents of Contemporary Art: Queer (published by Whitechapel and MIT Press,) and Theorizing Visual Studies (Routledge). OVER-BELIEFS, a volume of Hall’s collected essays, interviews, and performance scripts was published by Portland Institute for Contemporary Art in 2019. Gordon Hall is represented by DOCUMENT, Chicago.

  1. Raphael Gygax
    Charles Atlas
    Zurich, Switzerland: JRPIEditions (formerly JRPIRingier, 2004-2018), 2019
    Out of stock
  2. Jack Waters
    Pestilence Comics
    New York, NY: Allied Productions and J. Waters
    Out of stock
  3. Joseph Grigely
    Oceans of Love : The Uncontainable Gregory Battcock
    New York/London/Hamburg, NY/UK/Germany: Printed Matter Inc., Koenig Books and Grazer Kunstverein, 2016
  4. Will Brown
    Bruce Connor : Brass Handles
    South Korea: J&L Books and Will Brown, 2016
    Out of stock
  5. David Stairs
    Casein [Second edition]
    Portland, Oregon: English Language Press, 2008 & 1992
    size unknown
  6. Sara Magenheimer
    Beige Pursuit
    New York, NY: Wendy's Subway, 2019
  7. Tammy Nguyen, Aerica Shimizu Banks, Joseph Siry and Tess Elliot
    Martha’s Quarterly
    NY, New York: Passenger Pigeon Press, 2020
    Out of stock
  8. Fred Sandback
    Fred Sandback : 16 Variationen von 2 Diagonalen Linien
    Brooklyn, NY: Dancing Foxes Press, 2014
    Out of stock
  9. Tom Lloyd
    Black Art Notes
    New York, NY: Primary Information, 2020
    Out of stock
  10. Yvonne Rainer
    Moving and Being Moved
    Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Roma Publications, 2017
    Out of stock
  11. Adrian Piper, Cornelia Butler and David Platzker
    Adrian Piper: A Reader
    New York, NY: Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), 2018
    Out of stock
  12. John Cage and Laura Kuhn
    Love, Icebox: Letters from John Cage to Merce Cunningham
    Red Hook, NY: The John Cage Trust at Bard College, 2019
    Out of stock
  13. Rhea Anastas
    We make the image in real time: a viewing log
    Brooklyn, NY: Dancing Foxes Press and Pratt Photography Imprint, 2019
    Out of stock
  14. AA Bronson and Philip Aarons
    Queer Zines, Vol. 1
    New York, NY: Printed Matter Inc., August 2013
  15. Gordon Hall
    The Number of Inches Between Them
    Brooklyn, NY: Gordon Hall, 2019
  16. Gordon Hall
    OVER-BELIEFS Collected Writing 2011-2018
    Portland, OR: Portland Institute of Contemporary Art, 2019
  17. Renée Green
    Camino Road
    New York, NY: Primary Information, 2021
    Out of stock
  18. Gordon Hall
    Circling the Square, Words from End of Day
    New York, NY: Hesse Flatow, 2021
  19. Gordon Hall
    Sash, 2021
    New York, NY: Printed Matter Inc., 2021
  20. Sreshta Rit Premnath and Avram Alpert
    Brooklyn, NY: Shifter, 2021
Last updated 8/24/2021