Squeeze Sour

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  • Shape        Eon (Mingjing Yu, Xiang)        Books / Artists’ Books        $54.00
  • Zood / 俎        Tengteng Da        Books / Artists’ Books        $55.00
  • Touch Us Here, in the Wrong Place / 在错乱的这里抚摸我们        Howling Cactus        Books / Artists’ Books        $55.00
  • Phantom of Plants / 碎夢        Yita        Books / Artists’ Books        $35.00
  • Fairyland / 幻境        Cuixi        Books / Artists’ Books        $54.00
  • zine #1        baotoutongku        Books / Zines        $33.00
  • encounter, fusion, invade / 相遇、交融、入侵        Mingjing Yu        Books / Artists’ Books        $40.00
  • zine #2        baotoutongku        Books / Zines        $33.00
  • Instinct Time · A Farm Diary        Mingjing Yu        Books / Artists’ Books        $64.00

A distribution project founded by Lin Wang, inspired by one of Lin’s friends who works a delivery job while making photo books in China. Due to censorship and the cultural environment, self-publishing in China has become increasingly challenging, with fewer supporters. Squeeze Sour gathers China-based creators who rarely have the opportunity to express themselves. “Our mission is to showcase these books to a wider audience and also to bring some fresh air to the US self-publishing community. Despite the constraints of our mundane world, I believe the tang of the squeezing process yields bittersweet yet rewarding outcomes.”——Squeeze Sour

  1. Eon (Mingjing Yu, Xiang)
    China: Eon (Mingjing Yu, Xiang), 2020
  2. Tengteng Da
    Zood / 俎
    China: Tengteng Da, 2023
    Out of stock
  3. Howling Cactus
    Touch Us Here, in the Wrong Place / 在错乱的这里抚摸我们
    China: Howling Cactus , 2023
  4. Yita
    Phantom of Plants / 碎夢
    China: Yita, 2023
  5. Cuixi
    Fairyland / 幻境
    China: dewdew, 2022
  6. baotoutongku
    zine #1
    China: baotoutongku, 2022
    Out of stock
  7. Mingjing Yu
    encounter, fusion, invade / 相遇、交融、入侵
    China: dewdew, 2022
  8. baotoutongku
    zine #2
    China: baotoutongku, 2023
  9. Mingjing Yu
    Instinct Time · A Farm Diary
    China: dewdew, 2023
Last updated 7/8/2024