Children & Parenting

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  • Almost White, Colors of Milk        Irini Athanassakis        Books        $26.00
  • Queer Nursing [Fifth Edition]        Liesel Burisch        Books        $15.00
  • Mom Updates        Bruce George Wingate        Books / Zines        $6.00
  • 63 Objects Taken From My Son’s Mouth [Third Edition]        Lenka Clayton        Books / Artists’ Books        $35.00
  • Madre de nadie (o por qué siempre he sido madre)        Miau Ediciones        Books / Zines        $12.00
  • Mothers Who Murdered their Children/Children Who Murdered their Mothers        Alexandra Montclair        Books / Zines        $20.00
  • IN        Lisa Kereszi, Ottilie Leete and Benjamin Donaldson        Books / Artists’ Books        $65.00
  • Morning Song        Sarah Pabst        Books / Artists’ Books        $45.00
  • كيف تلتئم: عن الأمومة وأشباحها (How to Mend: Motherhood and Its Ghosts) [Arabic]        Iman Mersal        Books / Artists’ Books        $10.00
  • Mom’s Magnets        Sunny Leerasanthanah        Books / Zines        $18.00
  • Event Scores 2                Books        $24.00
  • The One Thing That Made Us Beautiful        Sam Falls        Books / Zines        $34.00
  • #2 Fábula encinta / Pregnant Fable        Alan Sierra        Books / Zines        $10.00
  • Juggling is Easy                Books / Monographs        $40.00
  • My Birth [First Edition, Second Printing]        Carmen Winant        Books / Artists’ Books        $50.00
  • Bending Mermaid/Naked Mom        Jan Johnson and Yuki Nagashima        Books / Zines        $5.00
  • Cuanto Viven Las Casas / How Long Do Houses Live?        Daniela Unger        Books / Artists’ Books        $65.00
  • The Last Safe Abortion        Carmen Winant        Books / Artists’ Books        $50.00
  • Om (Mother)        Barbara Debeuckelaere        Books / Monographs        $39.00

Recently-added books about birth, Palestinian motherhood, queer nursing, abortion, breastmilk, embroidery, murder, male pregnancy, miscarriage, magnets, performance scores, family, choosing not to mother, and more.

  1. Irini Athanassakis
    Almost White, Colors of Milk
    Vienna, Austria: Salon für Kunstbuch, 2024
  2. Liesel Burisch
    Queer Nursing [Fifth Edition]
    Berlin, Germany: Gorilla Milk, 2024
  3. Bruce George Wingate
    Mom Updates
    Chicago, IL: Public Collectors, 2020
  4. Lenka Clayton
    63 Objects Taken From My Son’s Mouth [Third Edition]
    Pittsburgh, PA: Lenka Clayton, 2023
  5. Miau Ediciones
    Madre de nadie (o por qué siempre he sido madre)
    Mexico City, Mexico: miau ediciones, 2024
  6. Alexandra Montclair
    Mothers Who Murdered their Children/Children Who Murdered their Mothers
    New York, united states: Harpy House Press, 2023
  7. Lisa Kereszi, Ottilie Leete and Benjamin Donaldson
    New York, NY, United States: ROMAN NVMERALS, 2023
  8. Iman Mersal
    كيف تلتئم: عن الأمومة وأشباحها (How to Mend: Motherhood and Its Ghosts) [Arabic]
    Cairo / Berlin, Egypt / Germany: Kayfa ta and Sternberg Press, 2018
  9. Sunny Leerasanthanah
    Mom’s Magnets
    Bangkok, Thailand: S. Leerasanthanah, 2020

  10. Event Scores 2
    Hong Kong: Art and Culture Outreach Limited, 2023
    Out of stock
  11. Sam Falls
    The One Thing That Made Us Beautiful
    Tokyo, Japan: Artbeat Publishers and G/P, 2024
  12. Alan Sierra
    #2 Fábula encinta / Pregnant Fable
    Mexico CIty, Mexico: Gato Negro, 2022

  13. Juggling is Easy
    Oakland: TBW Books, 2023
  14. Carmen Winant
    My Birth [First Edition, Second Printing]
    New York, NY, United States: SPBH Editions, 2024
  15. Jan Johnson and Yuki Nagashima
    Bending Mermaid/Naked Mom
    Worcester, MA: Yuki Nagashima and Jan Johnson, 2024
  16. Daniela Unger
    Cuanto Viven Las Casas / How Long Do Houses Live?
    Mexico City, Mexico: Inframundo
  17. Carmen Winant
    The Last Safe Abortion
    SPBH Editions, 2024
  18. Sarah Pabst
    Morning Song
    Manizales, Colombia: Raya Editorial, 2021
  19. Barbara Debeuckelaere
    Om (Mother)
    The Eriskay Connection, 2023
    Out of stock
Last updated 8/29/2024