all about love

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  • The Center for Growth        Maia Ruth Lee        Books / Zines        $8.00
  • Words With Love [Set 3]        Mira Schor, Lucy Ives, Lex Brown, Cammi Climaco, Danna Vajda and Sara Greenberger Rafferty        Books / Artists’ Books        $30.00
  • To Inanna Goddess of Love        Solveig Schumann and Enhuedvanna        Books / Prints        $45.00
  • My Adolescent Loves        Athena Tacha        Books / Artists’ Books        $10.00
  • Short Love Stories Songs        Pat Steir        Books / Small Books        $35.00
  • A Lover’s Tale        Sarah Charlesworth        Books / Artists’ Books        $40.00
  • For the Love of Bees        Caroline Kern        Books / Zines        $15.00
  • Dorothy Iannone : You Who Read Me with a Passion Now Must Forever Be My Friends        Lisa Pearson, editor        Books / Artists’ Books        $45.00
  • The Tempestuous Romance        Sally Alatalo        Books / Small Books        $5.00
  • Heaven, Wind, Stars and Poems        Barbara Bosworth and Dong-ju Yun        Books / Artists’ Books        $100.00
  • Lubb Dup        Ann Tyler        Books / Artists’ Books        $35.00
  • All of the Boys I’ve Ever Kissed (1992-2017)        Kristin Texeira        Books / Artists’ Books        $30.00
  • Em & Me        Erica Van Horn        Books / Artists’ Books        $20.00
  • Modern Love        Constance DeJong        Books / Artists’ Writings        $18.00
  • Men I’ve Loved in the 21st Century        Michael Wynne        Books / Artists’ Books        $50.00
  • I Would Do Anything for Love        Al Bedell        Books / Artists’ Writings        $12.00
  • Love Poems        Emma Kohlmann        Books / Artists’ Books        $10.00
  • Love Letter        Angi Brzycki        Books / Artists’ Books        $15.00

Named after the bell hooks investigation of all things love-related, this table looks at love, lost love, erotic love, unrequited love, mythological love, poetry, general devastation, loss, pure joy, and blissful affection.

  1. Lisa Pearson, editor
    Dorothy Iannone : You Who Read Me with a Passion Now Must Forever Be My Friends
    Los Angeles, CA: Siglio Press, 2014
    Out of stock
  2. Mira Schor, Lucy Ives, Lex Brown, Cammi Climaco, Danna Vajda and Sara Greenberger Rafferty
    Words With Love [Set 3]
    Brooklyn, NY: Small Editions and Blonde Art Books, 2016
  3. Solveig Schumann and Enhuedvanna
    To Inanna Goddess of Love
    New York, NY: S. Schumann, 1995
    size unknown
    Out of stock
  4. Athena Tacha
    My Adolescent Loves
    Oberlin, OH: Athena Tacha, 1976
  5. Pat Steir
    Short Love Stories Songs
    Paris, France: Farideh Cadot Gallery, October 1977
    Out of stock
  6. Sarah Charlesworth
    A Lover’s Tale
    New York, NY: Wedge Press, 1983
    size unknown
    Out of stock
  7. Caroline Kern
    For the Love of Bees
    New York, NY: Pegacorn Press, 2018
    Out of stock
  8. Constance DeJong
    Modern Love
    New York, NY: Primary Information and Ugly Duckling Presse, 2017
  9. Michael Wynne
    Men I’ve Loved in the 21st Century
    London, UK: Kiss and Tell Press, 2016
    Out of stock
  10. Al Bedell
    I Would Do Anything for Love
    New York, NY: Badlands Unlimited, 2015
    Out of stock
  11. Emma Kohlmann
    Love Poems
    New York: Emma Kohlmann, 2013
    Out of stock
  12. Angi Brzycki
    Love Letter
    Oakland, CA: Angi Brzycki, 2014
    Out of stock
  13. Maia Ruth Lee
    The Center for Growth
    Geneva, Switzerland: Innen, 2014
    Out of stock
  14. Sally Alatalo
    The Tempestuous Romance
    Chicago, IL: Pussykat, 1985
    size unknown
    Out of stock
  15. Barbara Bosworth and Dong-ju Yun
    Heaven, Wind, Stars and Poems
    Seoul, South Korea: Datz Press, 2017
    Out of stock
  16. Ann Tyler
    Lubb Dup
    Chicago, IL: Sara Ranchouse Publishing, 1998
    Out of stock
  17. Kristin Texeira
    All of the Boys I’ve Ever Kissed (1992-2017)
    Brooklyn, NY: Kayrock Screenprinting, 2018
    Out of stock
  18. Erica Van Horn
    Em & Me
    Ireland: Coracle Press, 2018
Last updated 2/11/2019