Bulletins of the Serving Library is a composite printed/electronic publication that follows a direct line from Dot Dot Dot, the semi-annual journal founded in 2000 and published by Dexter Sinister.
The “bulletins” that make up each issue are first published online as PDFs at
www.servinglibrary.org over a six-month period, then assembled, printed and distributed separately in Europe (by Sternberg Press with Motto Distribution) and in the U.S.A. (by Dexter Sinister). Each collection makes up a semester’s worth of loosely-themed material, with its constituent PDFs grouped together on the website. This issue loops around NUMBERS and was produced in the ambient glow of a reprogrammed electronic scoreboard clock which first appeared in Venice one year ago. Bulletins this time arrive from Angie Keefer, John Dewey and James Mclellan, James Langdon, Rosie Cooper, Mathew Kneebone, Philip Ording, David Foster Wallace, David Reinfurt, Cory Arcangel, Justin Warsh, Perrine Bailleux, Byron Cook and Tauba Auerbach, Dan Fox, Katherine Pickard, and Vincenzo Latronico.