Aliens Beyond Paradise / Alienígenas más allá del paraíso is a bilingual English-Spanish publication edited by Christopher Rey Pérez, following a collective editorial and publishing workshop organized by Beta-Local (San Juan, Puerto Rico) at the Queens Museum on July 21, 2019, in conjunction with the exhibition Mundos Alternos: Art and Science Fiction in the Americas. Exploring the ambiguous concept of the alien, Pérez invited contributors in Mexico and Puerto Rico to consider what it means to extract a textual excerpt, fragment, annotation, or image from its context, and send it across a border. How might we think of exchange beyond the regulating binary of inside and outside?
Co-published with the Queens Museum. All sales proceeds will be donated to RAICES - The Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services, a nonprofit agency founded in 1986, which promotes justice by providing free and low-cost legal services to underserved immigrant children, families, and refugees.
Contributors: Aravind Adyanthaya, Andrés Monzón-Aguirre, Ramiro Chaves & MANIMAS, Colectivo Se habla español, Nicole Delgado, Amara Abdal Figueroa, Lucía Hinojosa Gaxiola, Diego Gerard, Amanda Hernández, Mauricio Marcin, Jason Mena, Andrés Paniagua, Iberia Pérez, Mariana Rodríguez, Luis Othoniel Rosa, Jorge Sánchez, and Dmitri Zurita.