Content: Angela Chang, Annie Wang, San Tran, Carolyn Chou, Kathy Wu. Zine: Angela Chang (Writing) Kathy Wu (Design + Writing)
“Building an Asian American Movement: Visioning Towards Abolition” is a zine and educational resource responding to the racist Atlanta murders of 2021 and the calls for justice which followed. The materials in this zine were written as part of a two part transformative justice workshop in summer of 2021. We compassionately critique calls to Stop Asian Hate by underlining the carceral nature of hate crime bills. We review the racist history of the PIC, as well as outline ways that the PIC has also historically harmed Asian American communities. We point to ways that our communities can do better in the struggle against anti-Black racism, and offer political education materials and alternatives to 9-11.
About AARW: Asian American Resource Workshop is a political home for pan-Asian communities in Greater Boston. We are a member-led organization committed to building grassroots power through political education, creative expression, and issue-based and neighborhood organizing. We are organizing against displacement in all forms, whether it be eviction, deportation, or incarceration.