New Arrivals - Week of March 13

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  • Dancer Magnet        Drake Carr         / Multiples        $20.00
  • te magazine No·2 Song of the Nightingale                Books        $40.00
  • Porneia        Eduardo Kac        Books        $27.00
  • Air Age Blueprint        K Allado-McDowell        Books        $21.00
  • Craft and Conceptual Art        Megan N. Liberty        Books        $50.00
  • Thank You Have A Nice Day        Chris George        Books / Artists’ Books        $20.00
  • Oh, Tongue        Simone Forti        Books        $22.00
  • Fragments        Barbara Ess        Books / Artists’ Writings        $15.00
  • Martin Margiela 1989        Jean-Claude Coutausse        Books        $15.00
  • Pleasant Place        Pleasant Place        Books        $14.00
  • Double Blind        Hanneline Røgeberg        Books        $40.00
  • Una Piscina Geopolítica        Diego Abellán and Joaquín Lucas        Books        $30.00
  • A Magazine 24 Curated by ERDEM        Erdem Moralıoğlu MBE        Books / Artists’ Books        $46.00

  1. te magazine No·2 Song of the Nightingale
    United States: Michael Hetian Guo, 2023
    Out of stock
  2. Eduardo Kac
    Brooklyn, United States: Nightboat Books, 2022
    Out of stock
  3. K Allado-McDowell
    Air Age Blueprint
  4. Megan N. Liberty
    Craft and Conceptual Art
    New York, United States: Center for Book Arts, 2023
    Out of stock
  5. Chris George
    Thank You Have A Nice Day
    New York, United States: Chris George, 2023
  6. Simone Forti
    Oh, Tongue
    Milan, Italy: Nero, 2023
    Out of stock
  7. Barbara Ess
    Houston, United States: F Magazine, 2023
    Out of stock
  8. Jean-Claude Coutausse
    Martin Margiela 1989
    New York, United States: Dashwood Books, 2016
    Out of stock
  9. Pleasant Place
    Pleasant Place
    Pleasant Place, 2023
    Out of stock
  10. Drake Carr
    Dancer Magnet
    New York, United States: New York Life Gallery, 2023
    Out of stock
  11. Hanneline Røgeberg
    Double Blind
    Beacon, New York: Space Sisters Press, 2023
  12. Diego Abellán and Joaquín Lucas
    Una Piscina Geopolítica
    Valencia, Spain: Handshake, 2022
    Out of stock
  13. Erdem Moralıoğlu MBE
    A Magazine 24 Curated by ERDEM
    Antwerp: A Magazine, 2022
Last updated 3/13/2023