Decolonization, Resistance, and Solidarity

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  • 1—130: Selected works Ghassan Bishouty b. 1941 Safad, Palestine — d. 2004 Amman, Jordan        Nour Bishouty        Books / Artists’ Books        $35.00
  • The Black Liberation Army        BlackMass Publishing        Books / Zines        $18.00
  • Diné: Our Survival Is Bound to Theirs        kuwa jasiri Tyombe Indomela        Books / Zines        $5.00
  • In defense of collectivity & artistic freedom         microutopías | Lumbung of Publishers        Books        $10.00
  • Signal: A Journal of International Political Graphics and Culture        Alec Dunn and Josh MacPhee        Books        $14.00
  • Markets of Resistance Postcards [Set of 18]        Angel Shaw        Postcards        $30.00
  • Bodies of Water: Body as a Prison/Prison as a Body        Elektra KB        Books / Zines        $17.00
  • A Black Lens on Palestinian Liberation        lena siksik        Editions / Prints        $20.00
  • Gifts I Didn’t Know Were Gifts [Second Edition]        Lena Kassicieh        Books / Artists’ Books        $25.00
  • Earth Fire Water        Ali Cherri        Books / Monographs        $32.00
  • Martha’s Quarterly        Tammy Nguyen, Lê Thuận Uyên and Anaïs Duplan        Books / Artists’ Books        $20.00
  • Questions to Ask Before Your Bat Mitzvah        Morgan Bassichis, Rachel Valinsky and Jay Saper        Books / Artists’ Writings        $18.00
  • The Mountains of Majeed        Edmund Clark        Books / Artists’ Books        $35.00
  • Work Is Hell…Let’s Go To War!        Daylon Orr        Books / Artists’ Books        $10.00
  • She Never Rode That Trishaw Again        Chi Yin Sim        Books / Artists’ Books        $65.00
  • Operation Recovery        Justseeds and Iraq Veterans Against The War                OUT OF STOCK
  • Go-Rilla Means War        Crystal Z Campbell        Books / Artists’ Books        $45.00
  • Celebrate People’s History: The Poster Book Of Resistance and Revolution: New Edition        Josh MacPhee        Books / Monographs        $28.00
  • Radical Film, Art and Digital Media for Societies in Turmoil        Ursula Böckler, Alexandra Weltz-Rombach and Julia Lazarus        Books        $35.00
  • Cease-Fire        Louise Odes Neaderland        Books / Small Books        $10.00
  • And Yet My Mask is Powerful        Basel Abbas and Ruanne Abou-Rahme        Books / Artists’ Books        $18.00
  • The Zone        Basel Abbas and Ruanne Abou-Rahme                OUT OF STOCK
  • Veinte Movimientos [First Edition]        Fernando Cruz        Books / Zines        $15.00
  • Subjective Atlas of Palestine        Annelys de Vet        Books / Artists’ Books        $32.00
  • Anamorphosis        Praneet Soi        Books / Artists’ Books        $30.00
  • Independence Days        Maryam Jafri                $45.00
  • Selections from the Joint Photographic Survey : Ancient Sites in the British Mandate for Palestine and the Emirate of Transjordan        Adam Ryder        Books / Artists’ Books        $35.00
  • Handala        Josh MacPhee        Books / Zines        $3.00
  • Shy Radicals: The Antisystemic Politics of the Militant Introvert        Hamja Ahsan        Books / Monographs        $22.00

Printed Matter is actively soliciting artists’ books, zines, and print ephemera that engage with ideas of decolonization, resistance, and interconnected solidarity around the world. Accepted submissions will be distributed online and in-store. This is an open, rolling call. Like our general submission policy, there is no deadline for submissions.

Browse our table, Decolonization, Resistance & Solidarity to view a selection of titles that speak to these themes. This is not a complete list! These publications, and many more, can be found on display in our Chelsea store.

To submit, please send us a single copy of your publication along with a completed copy of our Title For Review Form. Submissions may be dropped off directly in our stores or mailed to:

Attn: Open Call
Printed Matter
231 11th Avenue
New York, NY 10001

Submissions are reviewed in accordance with our general open submission policy. Visit our submission FAQ page for more details. Accepted titles will be stocked on a rolling and prioritized basis.

If you have free and relevant print materials, you are welcome to bring them to the free section of our Chelsea storefront.

Questions can be directed to

  1. Elektra KB
    Bodies of Water: Body as a Prison/Prison as a Body
    Brooklyn, NY: Transgressive Cíborg Tekhnika (TCT), 2020
    Out of stock
  2. kuwa jasiri Tyombe Indomela
    Diné: Our Survival Is Bound to Theirs
    Albuquerque, NM: Authentic Creations Publishing Apothecary, 2018
    Out of stock
  3. Lena Kassicieh
    Gifts I Didn’t Know Were Gifts [Second Edition]
    Albuquerque, United States: Risolana, 2023
    Out of stock
  4. Ali Cherri
    Earth Fire Water
    Paris, France: Editions Dilecta, 2021
    Out of stock
  5. Daylon Orr
    Work Is Hell…Let’s Go To War!
    New York, NY: Fugitive Materials, 2022
  6. Fernando Cruz
    Veinte Movimientos [First Edition]
    Quertaro, Mexico: Gold Rain, 2017
    Out of stock
  7. Chi Yin Sim
    She Never Rode That Trishaw Again
    Singapore: C. Y. Sim, 2021
    Out of stock
  8. microutopías | Lumbung of Publishers
    In defense of collectivity & artistic freedom
    Montevideo, Uruguay: Microutopías, 2022
    Out of stock
  9. Alec Dunn and Josh MacPhee
    Signal: A Journal of International Political Graphics and Culture
    Oakland, CA: PM Press, 2023
  10. Edmund Clark
    The Mountains of Majeed
    London, UK: Here Press, 2014
  11. Tammy Nguyen, Lê Thuận Uyên and Anaïs Duplan
    Martha’s Quarterly
    NY, New York: Passenger Pigeon Press, 2020
    Out of stock
  12. Basel Abbas and Ruanne Abou-Rahme
    And Yet My Mask is Powerful
    New York, NY: Printed Matter Inc., 2017
  13. Praneet Soi
    London, UK: Book Works, 2020
    Out of stock
  14. Hamja Ahsan
    Shy Radicals: The Antisystemic Politics of the Militant Introvert
    London, UK: Book Works, 2017
  15. BlackMass Publishing
    The Black Liberation Army
    New York, NY: BlackMass Publishing, 2023
  16. Josh MacPhee
    Brooklyn, NY: Justseeds, 2017
  17. Angel Shaw
    Markets of Resistance Postcards [Set of 18]
    London, UK: 2014
  18. Nour Bishouty
    1—130: Selected works Ghassan Bishouty b. 1941 Safad, Palestine — d. 2004 Amman, Jordan
    Toronto, Canada: Art Metropole, 2020
    Out of stock
  19. Morgan Bassichis, Rachel Valinsky and Jay Saper
    Questions to Ask Before Your Bat Mitzvah
    Brooklyn, NY: Wendy's Subway, 2023
  20. Justseeds and Iraq Veterans Against The War
    Operation Recovery
    New York, NY: Printed Matter Inc., 2011
  21. Ursula Böckler, Alexandra Weltz-Rombach and Julia Lazarus
    Radical Film, Art and Digital Media for Societies in Turmoil
    Berlin, Germany: K. Verlag, 2023
    Out of stock
  22. Crystal Z Campbell
    Go-Rilla Means War
    Rochester, NY: Visual Studies Workshop, 2018
    Out of stock
  23. Maryam Jafri
    Independence Days
    Cologne, Germany: Buchhandlung Walther König, 2022
    Out of stock
  24. Basel Abbas and Ruanne Abou-Rahme
    The Zone
    New York, NY: Printed Matter Inc., 2012
  25. Annelys de Vet
    Subjective Atlas of Palestine
    Subjective Editions, 2019 / 2024 Reprinted
  26. lena siksik
    A Black Lens on Palestinian Liberation
  27. Louise Odes Neaderland
    New York, NY: The International Societ of Copier Artists (ISCA), 2012
  28. Nasrin Tabatabai and Babak Afrassiabi
    Stage So Near So Far
    Rotterdam-Brussels, Belgium-Netherlands: Pages, 2023
  29. Group Material
    New York, NY: Group Material
  30. Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak
    Can the Subaltern Speak?: Two Works Series Volume 1
    Cologne, Germany: Buchhandlung Walther König and Afterall, 2021
    Out of stock
  31. Sahar Khraibani
    Loving and Leaving You
    Beirut, Lebanon: Waraq, 2017
    Out of stock
  32. Kamelya Omayma Youssef
    A book with a hole in it
    Brooklyn, United States: Wendy's Subway, 2022
    Out of stock
  33. Leila Khoury
    A Soulful Body
    Cleveland, OH: Empress Editions, 2022
    Out of stock
  34. LIFTA Volumes
    LIFTA: Future Palestine
    Mexico City, Mexico: LIFTA Volumes, 2020
    Out of stock
  35. Prarthna Singh
    Har Shaam Shaheen Bagh
    New Delhi, India: Prarthna Singh, 2022
  36. Rachel Valinsky, Iman Mersal, Mirene Arsanios, Marwa Helal and Mona Kareem
    Among a Sea of Influences
    Brooklyn, NY: Wendy's Subway, 2021
    Out of stock
  37. The International Imagination of Anti-National Anti-Imperialist Feelings
    Globalize the Intifada
  38. Data for Black Lives
    Data for Black Lives Statement in Solidarity with Palestine
    Out of stock
  39. MaryAnn Jaraisy
    Queer Solidarity for Palestine
  40. Haitham Ennasr
    Sunrise - BDS
    Out of stock
  41. Layan Attari
    Against Apartheid
    Out of stock
  42. Interference Archive
    Defend/Defund Zine Series
    Brooklyn, United States: Justseeds, 2023
    Out of stock
  43. Yan Morvan
    Yan Morvan Archive No. 8: Yasser Arafat (1982)
    Paris, France: Industrie Culturelle, 2021
  44. Yan Morvan
    Yan Morvan Archive No. 3: Liban (1984-88)
    Paris, France: Industrie Culturelle, 2021
  45. Zêdan Xelef
    A Barcode Scanner
    Mexico City, Mexico: Gato Negro, 2022
    Out of stock
  46. Alan Sobrino
    Errant Passport
    Mexico-USA: Errant Press, 2023
    Out of stock
  47. Elizabeth A. Povinelli
    e-flux journal : Elizabeth A. Povinelli : Routes/Worlds
    Berlin, Germany: Sternberg Press, 2022
    Out of stock
  48. Larissa Sansour
    Research/Practice 03: Heirloom
    Berlin, Germany: Sternberg Press, 2020
  49. Saeed Yousef
    Lives Lost: In Search of a New Tomorrow
    Toronto, Canada: Trace Press, 2019
    Out of stock
  50. Toby Mott
    Punk Troubles: Northern Ireland
    New York, NY: Dashwood Books, 2018
    Out of stock
  51. Faye Raquel Gleisser
    Risk Work: Making Art and Guerrilla Tactics in Punitive America, 1967–1987
    Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 2023
    Out of stock
  52. Zach Hussein
    Ibn Abdelkarim
    Brooklyn, NY: Zach Hussein, 2023
  53. Hakan Topal
    Still Life
    New York, NY: Newgray, 2018
  54. Shiva Addanki (Shadow Comms), Flora and Fauna Collective and Colectivo Contrainformativo Sub*Versión
    For War, Nothing
    New York, NY: Fugitive Materials and Falgoush, 2023
    Out of stock
  55. Falgoush and Fugitive Materials
    In Their Words: Discursive Origins of the Iranian Fadai
    New York, NY: Fugitive Materials and Falgoush, 2023
    Out of stock

  56. Responses to “Forbidden Colors” (1988)
    London, United Kingdom: Pilot Press, 2023
    Out of stock
  57. Ho Tam
    Vancouver, Canada: Ho Tam and Hotam Press, 2021
    Open Edition
    Out of stock
  58. Angela Y. Davis
    Art on the Frontline: Mandate for a People’s Culture
    London / Cologne, United Kingdom / Germany: Afterall and Buchhandlung Walther König, 2021
  59. Yusuf Hassan
    In a state of war
    New York, NY: BlackMass Publishing, 2023
  60. Rasheed Araeen and Mahmood Jamal
    Black Phoenix: Third World Perspectives on Contemporary Art and Culture
    New York, NY: Primary Information, 2022
  61. Pascal Gielen and Alexandra Tryanova
    Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Valiz, 2022
    Out of stock
  62. Nadia Yaqub, ed.
    Gaza on Screen
    Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2023
  63. Katya García-Antón
    Art and Solidarity Reader
    Valiz, 2022
    Out of stock
  64. Bread and Puppet
    2024 Not In Our Name Calendar
    Glover, VT: Bread & Puppet Press, 2023
    Out of stock
  65. Alice Proujansky
    Hard Times are Fighting Times
    Brooklyn, NY: Gnomic Book, 2023
  66. William Chan
    Ten Years After Iraq
    New York, NY: Llewelyn Editions, 2015
  67. Jairus Banaji
    Wanting Something Completely Different
    Helsinki, Finland: RAB-RAB Press, 2023
    Out of stock
  68. Maitreya Ravenstar
    but as the clouds descended on us, I could see you
    Saratoga Springs, NY: Maitreya Ravenstar, 2023
    Out of stock
  69. Dietrich Heißenbüttel, Anke Hagemann, Karin Kasböck, Christoph Leitner and Gunda Isik
    Theater of Peace
    Berlin, Germany: argobooks, 2010
  70. Interference Archive
    Defend / Defund
    Common Notions, 2023
  71. Slingshot Collective
    2024 Slingshot Spiral Organizer [Large]
    Berkeley, CA: Slingshot Collective
    Out of stock
  72. Interference Archive
    We Won’t Move! / ¡No nos mudaremos!
    Brooklyn, NY: Interference Archive, 2023
  73. Nadine Fattaleh and Kaleem Hawa
    Before Their Flood
    New York, NY: Maysles Documentary Center, 2023
  74. Josh MacPhee
    Pound the Pavement
    Brooklyn, NY: J. MacPhee, 2019
  75. Tamrika Khvtisiashvili
    Paper Boats Zine [Second Edition]
    Salt Lake City, UT: 2023
    Out of stock
  76. Emily Chao
    How Can We Regain Our Trust in the Internet
    Brooklyn, NY: Irrelevant Press, 2022
    Out of stock
  77. Olgaç Bozalp
    Leaving One for Another
    Void, 2022
  78. CrimethInc.
    Russia: Anarchists against the Invasion of Ukraine
    CrimethInc., 2022
    Out of stock
  79. CrimethInc.
    Living in an Earthquake
    CrimethInc., 2023
  80. CrimethInc.
    From the Galilee to Gaza
    CrimethInc., 2023
    Out of stock
  81. CrimethInc.
    Blinding the Cyclops, Wrecking the Panopticon
    CrimethInc., 2020
  82. CrimethInc.
    Balance Sheet: Two Years Against Cop City
    CrimethInc., 2023
    Out of stock
  83. CrimethInc.
    Atlanta Police and Georgia State Patrol Are Guilty of Murder
    CrimethInc., 2023
    Out of stock
  84. Josh MacPhee
    Patience Has Limits
    Brooklyn, NY: Pound the Pavement and P.I.T. Tapes, 2023
    Out of stock
  85. Sandrine Collard
    Recaptioning Congo
    Tielt, Belgium: Lannoo, 2022
  86. Fana' Collective
    Black Journal
    Ramallah, Palestine: Fana' Collective, 2020
    Out of stock
  87. Florence Low
    Recipes from a Free Artsakh
    London, United Kingdom: Hato Press, 2021
    Out of stock
  88. Anuradha Vikram
    Decolonizing Culture
    Saratoga, San Francisco, CA: Sming Sming Books and Art Practical Books, 2019
    Out of stock
  89. Matina Galati
    Artwork for a Free Palestine
    Greece: Matina Galati, 2023
  90. Fouad ElKoury
    Middle East Archive [Second Edition]
    Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Middle East Archive, 2022
    Out of stock
  91. Romaisa Baddar, Nour Regaya and Dalia Al-Dujaili
    An Archive of Love
    Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Middle East Archive, 2023
    Out of stock
  92. Susanne Bürner
    Frankfurt and Paris, Germany and France: Revolver and Toastink Press, 2006
    Out of stock
  93. Pinko, editor
    After Accountability: A Critical Genealogy of a Concept
    New York, NY: Pinko and Wendy's Subway, 2023
  94. Archival Textures Network, Tabea Nixdorff and Shira Wolfe
    A Palestine Solidarity Zine
    Arnhem, The Netherlands: Archival Textures, 2023
    Out of stock
  95. Myriam Boulos
    What’s Ours
    New York, NY: Aperture, 2023
    Out of stock
  96. William Baker Rand and Anthony Gaskin
    William Baker Rand: The Radical Handbook
    Blue Hill, ME: Osprey Publishing, 2023
  97. Shiva Addanki (Shadow Comms)
    Shadow Comms
    New York, NY: Shadow Comms, 2021
    Out of stock
  98. Shiva Addanki (Shadow Comms)
    Shadow Comms
    New York, NY: Shadow Comms, 2022
    Out of stock
  99. Shiva Addanki (Shadow Comms)
    Shadow Comms
    New York, NY: Shadow Comms, 2023
    Out of stock
  100. Jayce Salloum and Elia Suleiman
    (Intifada) Speaking for oneself…Speaking for others
    Out of stock
  101. Taysir Batniji
    New York, NY: Loose Joints, 2024

  102. Small Town Organizing for Anarchists
    Sprout Anarchist Collective
    Out of stock

  103. The Fight for Gender Self-Determination
    CrimethInc., 2023
    Out of stock
  104. Houria Bouteldja
    Whites, Jews, and Us
    USA: Semiotext(e), 2017
    Out of stock
  105. Paul B. Preciado
    Can the Monster Speak?
    USA: Semiotext(e), 2021
    Out of stock

  106. Rethinking the Apocalypse
    Indigenous Action
    Out of stock

  107. Making the Cut
    New York, NY: 2024
    Out of stock
  108. Ma’touq Collective
    Abu Jildeh and Al-Armeet
    Brooklyn, NY: Wendy's Subway and Bilna'es, 2023
    Out of stock
  109. Josh MacPhee
    Pound the Pavement
    Brooklyn, NY: Pound the Pavement, 2024
    Out of stock
  110. tawinikay
    Reconciliation Is Dead
  111. Amanda Teixeira
    A settler’s town is a well fed town. Its belly is always full of good things.
    Porto Alegre, Brazil: Azulejo Arte Impressa, 2024
  112. Alec Dunn and Josh MacPhee
    Oakland, CA: PM Press, 2024
  113. Alicia Assaad
    7BB Magazine
    New York, NY: Alicia Assaad, 2023
  114. Anita N. Bateman and Emanuel Admassu
    Where is Africa
    New York, NY: CARA, 2024
  115. Derek Ballard, Alireza Vaziri and Mahdis Nikou
    Palestine Riso Poster (Dove)
    New York, NY: Earth Warriors, 2023
    Out of stock
  116. Derek Ballard, Alireza Vaziri and Mahdis Nikou
    I Stand With Palestine Riso Poster (Flag)
    New York, NY: Earth Warriors, 2023
    Out of stock
  117. Luïza Luz, gal sherizly and Andrea Galano Toro
    Planetary Embodiment
    Berlin, Germany: UdK-Verlag, 2023
  118. Osman Bari
    Chutney Magazine
    London, United Kingdom: Chutney Magazine, 2023
    Out of stock
  119. Eimear Walshe
    The Land for the People
    Cork, Ireland: National Sculpture Factory, 2021
  120. Suchitra Vijayan
    Midnight’s Borders
    Melville House, 2021
    Out of stock
  121. Adam Golfer
    A House Without a Roof
    New York, NY: Booklyn, 2016
    Out of stock
  122. Harbin Lostutter
    Queens, NY: Harbin Lostutter, 2024
  123. Tiffany Sia
    On and Off-Screen Imaginaries
    New York, NY: Primary Information, 2024
    Out of stock
  124. Gerald Bast, Işın Önol and Bernhard Cella
    When home won’t let you stay
    Vienna, Austria: Revolver Publishing, 2016
    Out of stock
  125. Haytham El-Wardany
    How to Disappear [English] [Fifth Edition]
    Beirut, Lebanon: Kayfa ta and Sternberg Press, 2021
    Out of stock
  126. Iman Mersal
    كيف تلتئم: عن الأمومة وأشباحها (How to Mend: Motherhood and Its Ghosts) [Arabic]
    Cairo / Berlin, Egypt / Germany: Kayfa ta and Sternberg Press, 2018
  127. Hussein Nassereddine
    How to see palace pillars as if they were palm trees [English]
    Beirut, Lebanon: Kayfa ta, 2023
  128. Maha Maamoun and Ala Younis
    How to maneuver: Shapeshifting texts and other publishing tactics [English / Second Edition]
    Cairo, Egypt: Kayfa ta, 2021
  129. Bernhard Cella, Leo Findeisen and Agnes Blaha
    NO-ISBN: On self-publishing [Arabic]
    Vienna, Austria: Salon für Kunstbuch
  130. Amr Ezzat
    How to Remember Your Dreams [English]
    Cairo, Egypt: Kayfa ta, 2021
    Out of stock
  131. Oxana Timofeeva
    How to Love a Homeland [English]
    Cairo, Egypt: Kayfa ta, 2021
  132. Nad-e Ali and Ali Sultan
    Lahore, Pakistan: Nad E Ali, 2018
    Out of stock
  133. Nad-e Ali and Ali Sultan
    Lahore, Pakistan: Nad E Ali, 2018
    Out of stock
  134. Nad-e Ali and Ali Sultan
    Lahore, Pakistan: Nad E Ali, 2018
    Out of stock
  135. Nad-e Ali and Ali Sultan
    Lahore, Pakistan: Nad E Ali, 2018
    Out of stock
  136. Nad-e Ali and Ali Sultan
    Lahore, Pakistan: Nad E Ali
    Out of stock
  137. Nad-e Ali and Ali Sultan
    Lahore, Pakistan: Nad E Ali
    Out of stock
  138. Cheryl Mukherji
    Shape of an Answer [Third Edition]
    New York, NY: Cheryl Mukherji, 2024
  139. Cheryl Mukherji
    I Don’t Oil My Hair Anymore
    New Delhi, India: Cheryl Mukherji, 2023
  140. Katy Deepwell
    De-/Anti-/Post-colonial Feminisms in Contemporary Art and Textile Crafts
    London, United Kingdom: KT Press, 2023
  141. Maha Maamoun and Ala Younis
    How to maneuver: Shapeshifting texts and other publishing tactics [Arabic]
    Cairo, Egypt: Kayfa ta
    Out of stock
  142. Lodoe Laura
    Toronto, Canada: Editions JOJO, 2024
  143. Maria Sturm
    You Don’t Look Native to Me
  144. Max Pinckers et al.
    State of Emergency - Harakati za Mau Mau kwa Haki, Usawa na Ardhi Yetu
    Brussels, Belgium: Max Pinckers, 2024
  145. Hans Wilschut
    Beirut, Epi-Centre Ville
    The Netherlands: Fw: Books
    Out of stock
  146. Paul Wood
    Biting the Hand
    Helsinki, Finland: RAB-RAB Press, 2024
  147. Irit Reinheimer
    Push the Water
    Philadelphia, PA, United States of America: Thread Makes, 2023
  148. Carmen Benito
    Revolcándonos entre las calderas
    Buenos Aires, Argentina: Club del Prado, 2020
  149. No Sovereign Author
    So far so good
    Italy: Witty Books, 2022
  150. Yusser al Obaidi
    Intention of Return
    Rotterdam, Netherlands: Sarmad Magazine and Yusser al Obaidi, 2021
  151. Rainbow Moon Face
    Wintering with the Queen of Serpents
    Washington DC, United States of America: The Omi Collective, 2023
    Out of stock
  152. Ismail Jallaq
    Forever Palestine T-Shirt [LARGE]
    Columbus, OH, United States of America: FRNK SPLY, 2024
    Out of stock
  153. Ismail Jallaq
    1948 Eagle T-Shirt [LARGE]
    Columbus, OH, United States of America: FRNK SPLY, 2024
    Out of stock
  154. Ismail Jallaq
    Holy Land T-Shirt [LARGE]
    Columbus, OH, United States of America: FRNK SPLY, 2024
    Out of stock
  155. Zêdan Xelef
    A Barcode Scanner [Second Edition, First Reprint]
    Mexico City, Mexico: Gato Negro, 2024
  156. Iman Mersal
    Archives and Crimes [Second Edition]
    Kayfa ta, 2023
    Out of stock
  157. Shiva Addanki (Shadow Comms)
    Shadow Comms
    New York, NY: Shadow Comms, 2023
  158. Tania El Khoury
    The Search for Power
    Washington DC, United States of America: Tadween Publishing, 2020
    Out of stock
  159. Mahmoud Darwish
    Once Poemas [Second edition]
    Mexico City, Mexico: Gato Negro, 2024
    Out of stock
  160. Josh MacPhee
    Liberation Support Movement [Third Edition]
    Justseeds, 2024
  161. Luis Alberto González Arenas
    el sistema esperanza neo zapatista
    Mexico CIty, Mexico: Cráter Invertido/ taller XD, 2024
  162. Peter Ortín and Nze Esono Ebalé
    Diez Mil Elefantes [Second Edition]
    Barcelona, Spain: Reservoir Books, 2022
  163. Zach Hussein
    Mission Abroad
    Brooklyn, NY, United States: Zach Hussein, 2024
  164. Riley Hooker
    The Metaphysics of Self-Immolation
    Queens, NY, United States: GenderFail Press and Façadomy, 2024
  165. Kyung Eun You, Ana Paula Cordeiro and Elsbeth Pancrazi
    Soft Manifesto on Harm and Conversation / Ostraka
    New York, NY, USA: Kyung Eun You, Elsbeth Pancrazi and Ana Paula Cordeiro, 2024
Last updated 11/15/2023