Artists' Cookbooks & Food

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  • Me-n-u : A Taste of Identity        Kirby Gookin        Books / Zines        $4.00
  • Easy Eating : Healthy Affordable Recipes        Nicole J. Caruth and Kirby Gookin        Books / Artists’ Books        $4.00
  • Put A Egg On It        Ralph McGinnis and Sarah Forbes Keough         / Zines        $7.00
  • White Zinfandel        Jiminie Ha, Dominic Leong and Chris Leong        Periodicals        $20.00
  • B.L.A.D. : The Complete Guide to Mushrooms        Sex Tags and Blank Blank        Periodicals / Zines        $10.00
  • Blinky        Jeffrey Vallence        Books / Artists’ Books        $25.00
  • Very Food        Silvia Ziranek        Books        $16.00
  • Le Forchette di Munari 3rd ed.        Bruno Munari        Books        $20.00
  • Champignons        Stewart Cauley and Joe Sheer        Posters        $10.00
  • The 1Shanthiroad Cookbook [Second Edition]        Suresh Jayaram        Books / Artists’ Books        $32.00
  • Leaked Recipes        Demetria Glace        Books / Artists’ Books        $49.00
  • Bastard Cookbook        Rirkrit Tiravanija        Books / Artists’ Books        $43.00
  • F for Food        Volker Renner        Books / Artists’ Books        $21.00
  • Funeral Food        Sandra Trujillo        Books / Artists’ Books        $150.00
  • Etiquette for fast food dining        Jamie Nuñez del Arco        Books / Zines        $10.00
  • Skin of the Goat (A Type of Cookbook)        Dave Loder        Books / Monographs        $15.00
  • Tribal Kitchen: The Aytas        HWGL        Books / Artists’ Books        $15.00
  • Dining in Refugee Camps : The Art of Sahrawi Cooking        Robin Kahn        Books / Signed        OUT OF STOCK
  • The Runcible Spoon        Malaka Gharib        Books / Zines        $8.00
  • Spoon        Arunas Kulikauskas        Books        $10.00
  • Cooking with Scorsese: The Cookbook        Studio Hato        Books / Monographs        $76.00
  • The Meal-Based Artist Residency Program        Marc Fischer and Public Collectors        Books / Zines        $8.00
  • Doggy Bag        Angelo Ricciardi        Books / Signed        $25.00
  • Patented : Il Pane Non Si Butta = Don’t Throw Out The Bread        Coco Gordon and Angelo Ricciardi        Books / Signed        $30.00
  • Du Da        Sally Alatalo        Periodicals / Out of Print Periodicals        $75.00
  • Serving Suggestion issue #01        Further Reading Press        Books / Artists’ Books        $25.00

A selection of publications from artists themed around the intersection of food, identity and art. In the Ayta Tribal Cookbook, the OCD offers a project journal and cookbook of 30,000 year-old recipes from Australo-Melanesian tribe in the Philippines. A project from Robin Kahn’s offers a journal of recipes, histories, and drawings documenting how the Sahrawi women of Algeria and Western Sahara prepare and serve food inside refugee camps. The Runcible Spoon is a quarterly food zine based in Washington, D.C. that captures the pleasure and playfulness of eating through imaginative, delicious (and sometimes made up) recipes, illustration, storytelling and collage. “White Zinfandel” is a periodical devoted to the visual manifestation of food and culture produced within the lives of creative individuals.

  1. Stewart Cauley and Joe Sheer
    S. Cauley and J. Sheer
    size unknown
    Out of stock
  2. Bruno Munari
    Le Forchette di Munari 3rd ed.
    Mantua, Italy: Maurizio Corraini, 1996
    Out of stock
  3. Jiminie Ha, Dominic Leong and Chris Leong
    White Zinfandel
    New York, NY: W and — Projects, 2012
    Out of stock
  4. Nicole J. Caruth and Kirby Gookin
    Easy Eating : Healthy Affordable Recipes
    New York, NY: Art Food Farm and The School of Visual Arts, 2013
    800 (states 800, but only 650 printed)
    Out of stock
  5. Ralph McGinnis and Sarah Forbes Keough
    Put A Egg On It
    New York, NY: R&S Media, 2011
    Out of stock
  6. Sex Tags and Blank Blank
    B.L.A.D. : The Complete Guide to Mushrooms
    Berlin, Germany: Sex Tags and Blank Blank, 2012
    Out of stock
  7. Jeffrey Vallence
    Santa Monica, CA: Smart Art Press, 1996
    size unknown
  8. Silvia Ziranek
    Very Food
    London, England: Book Works, 1987
    Out of stock
  9. Kirby Gookin
    Me-n-u : A Taste of Identity
    New York, 2013: Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development, 2013
    Out of stock
  10. Suresh Jayaram
    The 1Shanthiroad Cookbook [Second Edition]
    Bangalore, Karnataka, India: Reliable Copy, 2020, 2022
  11. Demetria Glace
    Leaked Recipes
    JBE Books, 2021
  12. Rirkrit Tiravanija
    Bastard Cookbook
    Garret Publications, 2020
    Out of stock
  13. Volker Renner
    F for Food
    Hamburg, Germany: Textem, 2017
  14. Sandra Trujillo
    Funeral Food
    Guadalajara, Mexico: Impronta Casa Editora, 2019
  15. Jamie Nuñez del Arco
    Etiquette for fast food dining
    Quito, Ecuador: Terminal Ediciones, 2022
  16. Dave Loder
    Skin of the Goat (A Type of Cookbook)
    Dublin, Ulster, Dallas, and Williamsburg, Ireland, Texas, and New York: University of Ulster School of Art & Design, University of Ulster School of Art & Design, GRADCAM The National College of Art and Design, GRADCAM The National College of Art and Design, Make Art with Purpose, Make Art with Purpose and Autonomedia, 2014
    Out of stock
  17. HWGL
    Tribal Kitchen: The Aytas
    Brooklyn, NY: Hardworking, Goodlooking, 2014
    Out of stock
  18. Robin Kahn
    Dining in Refugee Camps : The Art of Sahrawi Cooking
    Brooklyn, NY: Autonomedia, 2010
    Out of stock
  19. Malaka Gharib
    The Runcible Spoon
    Washington D.C.: Malaka Gharib, 2013
    Out of stock
  20. Arunas Kulikauskas
    New York, NY: Kulikauskas, 1994
    Out of stock
  21. Studio Hato
    Cooking with Scorsese: The Cookbook
    London, UK: Hato Press, 2021
    Out of stock
  22. Marc Fischer and Public Collectors
    The Meal-Based Artist Residency Program
    Chicago, IL: Public Collectors, 2018
    Out of stock
  23. Angelo Ricciardi
    Doggy Bag
    Naples, Italy: Codice Ean, 2005
    Out of stock
  24. Coco Gordon and Angelo Ricciardi
    Patented : Il Pane Non Si Butta = Don’t Throw Out The Bread
    Napoli, Italy: Congelo Press, 2003
  25. Sally Alatalo
    Du Da
    Chicago, IL: Sara Ranchouse Publishing, 1987
    size unknown
    Out of stock
  26. Further Reading Press
    Serving Suggestion issue #01
    Bandung, Indonesia: Further Reading Press, 2022
    Out of stock
Last updated 3/22/2023