Printed Matter Publishing

The History of Lubrication

Gabriel Pericas

A transcript that proposes a modest cultural history of human saliva, building on its physical behavior to chart its many uses, functions and associations.

Five Stories for Philip Guston

Emmie Francis & Mark Godfrey, eds.

A short story collection in which five writers working today have created fictions in conversation with Guston and his painting.

When Eye Land

Star Feliz

An artists’ book that builds on Feliz’s research-based installation work, wading into memory, intimacy, and the ancestral past to explore how the legacy of colonialism has shaped the national identity of the Dominican Republic.

constellations for innerlight projections

Yusuf Hassan

A publication offering a parallel entry point to Hassan’s 2022 exhibition a symphony a work in progress, furthering his explorations through a sequence of diagrammatic sketches, found imagery and musical notation.

High in the Sky

Pati Hill

A booklet that excerpts Hill’s unpublished journal The History of Dressmaking, which she wrote between 1972 and 1977.

Endre Tót

Endre Tót: Gladness and Rain [Chinese Translation]

Chinese translation of a riso catalog of the conceptual artist’s printed, typed, stamped, and mailed works from the 1970s–80s.

we web keepers

Lukaza Branfman-Verissimo

A newsprint publication interrogating the interconnected practices of collective survival and mutual aid that sustain Black, Indigenous, queer, trans, non binary, people of color.

Hunters Follow Harpy Shadows

Rin Kim

A poetic sequence in the high fantasy style built from Korean folklore, biblical storytelling, and queer mythologies.


Dominique Hurth

An interrogation of the Smithsonian Institution’s influence on the history of photography through a reworked collection of cyanotypes.

Endre Tót: Gladness and Rain

Endre Tót

A riso catalog of the conceptual artist’s printed, typed, stamped, and mailed works from the 1970s–80s.

Depreciating Assets

Jessica Vaughn

An artists’ book investigating labor, diversity politics, and the material environment of the American workplace.

No New Theories

Kameelah Janan Rasheed

An experimental artists’ book of xerox abstractions, found photography, and poetic text fragments to explore processes of learning and unlearning.

Notes on Fundamental Joy

Carmen Winant

An artist’s archival project drawn from photography workshops of the Womyn’s Lands communities of the early 1980s.


Joshua Cohn, Edit DeAk, Walter Robinson, editors

A facsimile edition of the trailblazing periodical Art-Rite, collecting the full run of all twenty issues in a single volume. Co-published with Primary Information.

Cloud Service

Batia Suter

A visual dialog on clouds drawn from reference books, exploring the associative potential of the printed image. Co-published with Roma Publications.

Four Basic Kinds of Lines & Colour

Sol LeWitt

A facsimile edition of the iconic publication investigating combinations of sequence, color, and geometric form. Co-published with Primary Information.

A Mistake Is A Beautiful Thing

Devin Troy Strother and Yuri Ogita

A look into the lives of Coloured Publishing, with their humorous take on art and its references and various cultural phenomena.

Name, Thing, Thing: A Primer in Parallel Typographies

Gerardo Madera

An ambitious project using text, found images and citations to explore typographic intervention and the decolonization of design and typography.

Printer Prosthetic: Futura

Federico Pérez Villoro and Christopher Hamamoto

An experimental reprint of the Futura pamphlet series from Hansjorg Mayer by way of an adapted inkjet printer.

Exquisite Corps

Philip Iosca

A project of found compositions discovered in the signatures of disassembled vintage gay magazines.

Only Human

Jill Freedman

A boxed publication with four decades of images from the NYC photographer exploring human relationships.

And Yet My Mask is Powerful

Basel Abbas and Ruanne Abou-Rahme

A project exploring the intersections of performativity and ritual, body and artifact, thingness and virtuality.

Queer Zines, Vol. 2

Philip Aarons and AA Bronson, editors

An expansive survey of a new generation of queer zinesters, with a focus on overlooked historical publications.

A Book About Colab (and Related Activities)

Max Schumann, editor

A book tracing the output of Collaborative Projects Inc., the energetic group of downtown NYC artists active from the late 1970s through the mid 1980s.

September Spring

Sam Falls

A book and record documenting the artist’s month-long performance on the influence of musician Jamie Kanzler.


Nicolás Jaar

A print project exploring an online, semi-fictitious network of interlocking radio stations built around chance operation. Co-published with Other People.

The High Line: A Field Guide and Handbook

Mark Dion

A pocket-sized alternative survey to the curious flora and fauna of New York’s elevated High Line park.

Blue Icons (Day Edition)

Dan Walsh

A minimalist exploration of color and form through trimmed interior pages and shifting shades of halftone dots.

Studio / Space / Print / Time

Sam Falls

A book of the artist’s large graphite studio rubbings, with a reflection on process and production.

Non-Stop Poetry: The Zines of Mark Gonzales

Philip Aarons and Emma Reeves, editors

A comprehensive survey of whimsical zines made by the skateboard legend from the early ‘90s to the present day.

10,000 Francs Reward

Marcel Broodthaers

A 20th century art treatise realized as a performative self-interview on the artist’s motives and symbology. Co-published with Département des Aigles Brussels.

Please note that the PM Publishing Program is by invitation only, and we are not able to accept unsolicited proposals.

Printed Matter has received funding in support of our publishing activities from the following foundations: Harpo Foundation, Furthermore Foundation, NYSCA, Jerome Foundation, Gesso Foundation, The Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation, Andy Warhol Foundation for the Arts and Individuals worldwide.
